Buckinghamshire Lady Captains' Golfing Society

Rules of the Society

The committee has drawn up rules for the society from the minutes of the first meeting of the BCLGS.  They are as follows:

  1. The society shall be called “The Buckinghamshire Lady Captains’ Golfing Society”.
  2. All members are, or have been, lady captains of a golf club in Buckinghamshire.
  3. The committee shall consist of the captain; the vice-captain; the secretary and treasurer, all to be elected by members at an annual general meeting.
  4. The captain shall be elected to serve a term of two years.
  5. The secretary shall be elected to serve a term of not more than three years.
  6. They will all retire at an annual general meeting and shall not be eligible for re-election as an elected member of the committee for a period of two years.
  7. Nominations for the committee to be sent in writing to the secretary, to be with the secretary no later than 30 days before the date of the annual general meeting.
  8. Any vacancy between one annual general meeting and the next shall be filled by the committee, but any member so appointed shall retain office only to the next annual general meeting when the member shall be eligible for election

Society History


Society founded at Harewood Downs in February with 29 members.

Jean Bradbury - 1st Captain (Honorary Member)

Betty Newman - Vice-Captain

Connie Frazer - Secretary

1st Match was played at Hazlemere on Thursday 23rd June v the Bucks (Men) Captain’s (men won). Matches were also played against Oxfordshire and Berkshire Lady Captains.


Membership numbers have risen to 140.

Subscription £2.00 per annum.

Agreed to hold one Meeting (Summer) out of county.   

Spring & Autumn Meetings to be played in the county.


Summer Meeting (out of county) was played at Ashridge GC.


Society table cloth introduced in Wendy Saunders year.


Subscription went up to £3.00.


Original Logo changed from blue to present colour maroon by Margaret Anderton


Sybil Perry added Bedfordshire to our list of matches with Oxfordshire.     


Captain’s badge introduced by Jean Cox.


Portable results board introduced by Janet Moore.


300 members now representing 38 clubs reported by Jeanette Richardson


Honorarium for Captain and Sec/Treasurer - £ 150 each to cover expenses

20th Anniversary Dinner held at Hazlemere - 16 attended out of 22 invited.


Xandra Morley added Hertfordshire to our list of matches –    5 now including mixed.


Xandra Morley presented Captains and Secretaries Honours Board.

Treasurer's position introduced - Caroline Ringsell. Splitting of Sec/Treasurer's job


Subscriptions go up to £5.00.

Honorarium of £50.00 p.a. awarded to Treasurer.

All remaining Founder Members awarded honorary membership status.

Connie Frazer (first society secretary) donated a Founders Trophy (Founders Plate) to be awarded to the winner of the Lady Captains Prize at the summer meeting, to be presented at the AGM by Connie Frazer or another founder, or the Lady Captain.


Subscriptions go up by £2.00pa to £7.00pa.  £1 of which MUST go to the County Juniors.

New Members pay £3.00 joining fee + £1.00 county juniors + £6.00 subscription = £10.00.


Society website created - www.bucksladycaptains.co.uk.   


Notification of subscription increase to £10 from 2017 for all members except founder and social members. 


Subsidies for meetings to be capped at £5pp.

Honoraria to Captain and Secretary increased to £200 and to Vice Captain and Treasurer to £100.


As handicap limits have been increased, committee agreed to keep limit of 36 on meetings form.


Retiring gift to Secretary raised to £100.


Due to unprecedented circumstances brought on by COVID-19 crisis, the Captain decided to remain in office for an additional year completing her term of office in February 2022.


As nothing happened in 2020 it was decided to carry members subscriptions from 2020 to 2021.  Notification of subscription increase to 12.50.